10 Nov 2017

8 Tips for a Successful Holiday Season Run

The holiday season is upon us. Some will actually say that the holiday season already started back in August. Without going into a shouting match on who is right and who is wrong, let's just agree to disagree and say, "It's Time!" It's time to start checking inventory, getting your email lists ready and organized, checking your listings images and even prioritizing your tasks as we inch closer. I will go as far as to say that the latter is the most important. It's important to make sure you are ready for the rush.

How many marketplaces are you on this year? One? Two? Four??? Have you added more or scaled back your efforts from last year? Are you on niche marketplaces or broad ones like Addoway, eBay and Amazon? The answer is: It doesn't matter right now.

We want to sell and we want to sell a lot during the holidays. It is not just about the money. Money is very important, but it's about the fun we have selling this time of the year. Am I wrong? Going back to the years I sold, I always had the most fun during the holidays. Of course they were the busiest and the most hectic, but the clients were so easy to please and were always overjoyed to get something they loved from us. So before you read any further try to remember the holidays and the fun and enjoyment YOU bring to your customers.


1. Don't forget what you sell

It's easy to get closer to the holidays and see products that people are liking that are not part of your collection and get a feeling to buy some in and resell to be a part of the madness. DON'T DO IT! Don't be part of the madness. If you haven't thought about the product(s) already and planned to bring some into your inventory you are only going to give yourself a headache. 

2. Don't Add New Suppliers

This only applies if you are a drop shipper, but this is part of Tip 1. You don't want to add mayhem to you and your business life right now. You have planned planned and planned some more. Don't mess it up by adding unknowns right now. 

3. Make Sure You Ship Worldwide

I can't tell you how many shoppers buy from sites like ours and eBay that are overseas. I know it's a challenge to deal with a new language and currency, but trust me - you are missing out. If you have the tools to track the locations of your shoppers check to see the percentage of international shoppers. It might just surprise you. 

4. Make Sure You Have Plenty of Inventory

You know what sells and doesn't. Just make sure you have enough and not too much. When? Right now. Make sure right now. Don't go to Tip 5 until you go check your inventory. Yes even if it takes two days to go through it. Come back and continue reading after. 

5. If You Can Go Niche, Go Niche

I know on Addoway we are not a niche marketplace, but this doesn't mean you can't be a niche store. It is much easier for a shopper visiting your store to browse other items and buy more when you are selling similar items. Sometimes it can hurt your business when you sell clothes, candles, and couches. Nothing matches. 

6. Thank. Thank. And Thank Some More

We are confident you already do this with every communication and order you receive, but it is even more important this time of the year. Thank potential shoppers for visiting and asking questions whether it's through your store, email account or on Facebook or Twitter. Even thank another seller for mentioning you online. They have to purchase too! Once the holiday season is over you can then spend time sending thank you cards and reminding them that your store is always open and that you appreciate their business. 

7. Don't Ever Give Up On Social Media, Especially Now!

If you have been using Pinterest, Facebook and all of the other social sites, don't stop now. Did you know that 65% of Shoppers Tap Social Media for the Perfect Gift? Shoppers are influenced by what their friends post and what they find online. If you are not using it by now, you need to get on that bandwagon. It is never too late. 

8. Don't Forget Old Fashioned Email Marketing

Email marketing will always be a HUGE generator of the most sought after form of marketing - "word of mouth." It is also one of the most important forms of marketing. You have lists of old buyer's right? Well, send out a nice "The Holidays are Upon Us" or "You bought from us before and you might like this" card. Something simple and not too markety (no it's not a word, but I am going to use it :)). 

We hope you find a lot of success this holiday season. We know you have a lot of options and places to spend your time and we do appreciate and thank you for spending time with us. This year might have been more challenging for you, but remember that triumph comes from challenges and this holiday season can easily turn around any kind of year you might have had. There are so many great successes in your business - you just have to open your eyes to see them. Please share any tips we might have not added as we would love to hear what works for you. Thank you.


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